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A smile as a gift - Their dream destination is HOME

We joined forces. Since the largest group of visitors to our event are families with children, in cooperation with the organization Úsmev kó dar we decided to help families and their children who are most tested by fate. Below you will find 3 stories for which this help is intended. Please support the project on their transparent account , the funds of which will be used for the reconstruction of social rental apartments, so that families can find their homes and get back on their feet. If you enter your contact details in the notes during the transfer, you will be entered into a draw for 3x sightseeing flights over the city of Košice!


The Society of Friends of Children from Children's Homes Úsmev as a Gift is the oldest and largest non-governmental organization operating in the field of substitute care, assistance to families at risk in Slovakia and assistance to victims of crimes.

It supports children and young people in centers for children and families (CDR - former children's homes), helps young people after leaving CDR. It helps families in difficult life situations to keep the family together. It builds centers to help families in need and affordable social rental housing.

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First story - Rodina Balošáková

            Predstavte si, že máte jedinú dcéru, ktorá porodí dvojičky, dievčatká. Jedno je zdravé, druhé má rázštep chrbtice - volá sa Natálka. Vy ako stará mama pracujete v Rakúsku, no nemôžete sa pozerať ako Natálka nenapreduje tak o 6 mesiacoch si ju beriete domov. Lekári konštatujú, že toto krásne dieťa nebude nikdy chodiť.
            Ostávate doma a zabezpečujete starostlivosť o Natálku 24 hodín denne. Neustále hospitalizácie, komplikácie, preplakané dni a noci, ale bojujete ako lev, pre blaho dievčatka. Denné cvičenie, ktoré je veľmi drahé, ale musí byť. Keďže najviac výdavkou dávajú na liečbu, potrebujú aj podporu, aby si udržali bývanie, vlastný domov.
            Táto stará mama je obdivuhodný človek. Dokázala to, že intenzívnymi cvičeniami a pobytmi v kúpeľoch,  Natálka pomocou špeciálnych chodúľ chodí a dnes je prváčkou v škole !!!  Dievčatko potrebuje financie na cvičenie a rehabilitácie. Pravidelne navštevuje detské rehabilitačné centrum v Košiciach Liberta a veľkou túžbou je, aby sa dostala do liečebného delfinária v ukrajinskom Truskavci, kde je veľký predpoklad Natálkinho napredovania.  

Second story - Rodina Chobotová

                Let's put a smile back on the face of Trunk together!
Five-year-old Marcelko has been in one of the Košice children's homes for several months. Mom disappeared. She walked out of their lives. His father, also named Marcel Chobot, is very eager to take care of his son, whom he loves, but they have nowhere to live for a long time.

The father regularly visits the children's home to meet his son, but the goodbyes are extremely painful for both of them. The father is working hard to create the conditions for the return of little Marcelko, but he cannot do it without the help of good people.
They both like each other very much. We also want the father to live with his son for a long time and safely! We have a unique chance to prepare a new home for them in modest one-room apartments in Košice, which we want to renovate as soon as possible .

Shall we put a SMILE on their faces together ? Don't be a jerk and contribute !


 Tretí príbeh - Rodina Gonosová

Imagine that you have an only daughter who gives birth to twins, baby girls. One is healthy, the other has spina bifida - her name is Natálka. As a grandmother, you work in Austria, but you can't watch Natálka not making progress, so you take her home after 6 months. Doctors state that this beautiful child will never walk.

You stay at home and provide care for Natálka 24 hours a day. Constant hospitalizations, complications, crying days and nights, but you fight like a lion, for the welfare of the little girl. Daily exercise, which is very expensive, but must be. Since they spend the most on treatment, they also need support to maintain housing, their own home.

This grandmother is an admirable person. She proved that with intensive exercises and stays in the spa, Natálka walks with the help of special crutches and today she is a freshman at school!!! The girl needs funds for exercise and rehabilitation. She regularly visits the children's rehabilitation center in Košice, Liberta, and her great desire is to get to the therapeutic dolphinarium in Truskavets, Ukraine, where Natálka's progress is a big prerequisite.

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